Harvardwood Heroes: Awarding $500 grants to community service volunteers!

Launched in 2013, the Harvardwood Heroes (HH) grant program aims to spotlight and support Harvard students, alumni, faculty, and staff who have made or plan to make an exceptional contribution to the community. These Heroes exemplify the mission of Harvardwood, demonstrating the power and purpose of the arts, media, and entertainment.

Harvardwood began this program in 2013 by awarding four $500 grants* to applicants who demonstrated a distinguished level of service to their organization of choice. Every year, winners will be determined by the strength of their proposal, and will receive the balance of the grant upon submission of a final essay. Applicants whose service project is arts-related will receive priority.

Harvardwood Heroes grants will be awarded annually (pending the availability of adequate resources to support the program.

*Grants can be spent at the winner’s discretion.

The 2014 deadline to apply is December 12, 2014, and additional program details can be found here: http://www.harvardwood.org/?page=heroes